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InPro2000 / 2000i pH Probe

Brand : Mettler Toledo
Origin : Switzerland
Model : InPro2000 / 2000i pH Probe
Mã số : GV1-00095
Đơn giá : Call
Danh mục : pH Sensors
Size :
Range :
Lượt xem : 1007
Cập nhật : 28/09/2017
Số lượng :     

Mô tả sản phẩm

InPro2000 / 2000i pH Probe

Liquid-electrolyte pH probe with integrated temperature sensor and VP connector



Manufacturer: Mettler Toledo(Switzerland)

Model: InPro2000 / 2000i pH Probe

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật:


Short description : Liquid-electrolyte pH electrode with temp. sensor
pH-range : 0...14
Temperature range : 0...140 °C (32...284 °F)
Pressure resistance (bar) : up to 6 bar overpressure
Pressure resistance (psi) : up to 87 psi overpressure
Diaphragm : ceramic
Number of diaphragms : 1, 2 or 3 depending on electrolyte
Reference system : Argenthal system
Silver-ion trap : yes
Sterilizable : yes
Autoclavable : yes
ISM : yes
ATEX Certification : SEV 14 ATEX 0168 X
Ex ia IIC T6/T5/T4/T3 Ga/Gb
FM approval : IS/ I, II, III /1/ABCDEFG /T6
IECEx Certificate of Conformity : IECEx SEV 14.0025X
Ex ia IIC T6/T5/T4/T3 Ga/Gb